Arnold v. Kutinsky, Adler & Co.

Tobacco growers in Southwick, Massachusetts, and Simsbury, Connecticut, filed suits against Kutinsky, Adler & Co. of New York and Luther M. Case of Winstead, Connecticut, with Constable George B. Woodruff of Suffield, Connecticut, serving the defendants papers on August 11, 1906. Constable Woodruff also placed attachments on the tobacco, about $10,000 worth, that Kutinsky, Adler & Co. had stored in Suffield. (Serving Case was a formality as a court-approved petition forced him into bankruptcy in June.) Below is a list of the Southwick tobacco growers and the amount of each suit against Case and Kutinsky, Adler & Co. (Some growers also sued Starr Bros., who Case did business with or for.) Fred Arnold $6,000 ($5,500 tobacco, $500 damages) Adrian Coe $2,500 L. A. Fowler $2,500 Llewyn Wetherbee $1,800 Cooley Griffin $1,600 Fred Warner $1,200 Clement Robinson $1,200 Charles Noble $500 Walter S. Steer $400 Robert Nicholson $300 Fred Miller $300 Firms Boyle & Avery $1,500 Boyl...