
The poems featured here were part of a collection written by Southwick school students (circa 1970). They appear here as they did in print - unedited. Teachers by Kris Sanders Teachers, teachers. I hate teachers. Just because they talk like preachers. Some are boring and put you to sleep. Some make lectures that make you weep. Some have hair of brown, black, and gold. Some are young, middled-age and old. Some are skinny, thin, and fat. And some are in between that. Teachers, teachers, I hate teachers, Just because they're unmerciful creatures, And their faces have ugly features. After all they make good preachers. The Eagle by Charles Hamberg I saw you, an eagle, flying in the air. You're a rare one with golden hair. You fly at night around my star, So I'll always know where you are. You are the eagle, the one who's great . For even a condor can you intimidate. You sure...