Granville Country Store

This article was originally part of the "From Today's Motorcycle Ride" series, the predecessor to the Southwick Time Machine. 7:45 a.m. Off we go. We head down to the Granville Country Store , famous for its cheese, to pick up the made-to-order breakfast sandwiches we called in minutes ago. Ham, egg, and sharp Granville cheese for me; bacon, egg, and extra-sharp Granville cheese for her. Full of history, entering the store is like being transported back in time, for this is the quintessential classic New England general store. We sit at a small outdoor table overlooking the town green and eat. Established in 1851 by Carlos Gibbons, the business was eventually renamed J. M. Gibbons after his son, eighteen-year-old proprietor John Murray Gibbons, who took over the store later that same year. The young Gibbons was so successful that it was said he put neighboring Timothy C. Gillett’s store out of business. Gillett’s store stood immediately west of Gibbons’ store. This secti...